8 Most Important Healthcare SEO Tips

The healthcare industry is quickly transforming to match the pace of technological innovations. This is commonly referred to as digital healthcare, which is defined as the intersection between healthcare and technology. I am sure as a healthcare provider or organization, you have heard of terms and concepts such as telehealth, electronic medical records, wearable devices, […]

Importance of Author Authority in Ranking

In content marketing, particularly blogging, much emphasis has been laid on the significance of valuable and quality content. But how do you, as a business, ensure your content is quality and valuable? There are many strategies to consider, one of them being author authority. There is a lot of debate concerning the impact of author […]

13 Best Types of B2B Content Marketing for Lead Generation

13 Best Types of B2B Content Marketing for Lead Generation Businesses have different audiences they can target with their marketing strategies. Other businesses present one of the audience segments to target when developing marketing strategies, often referred to as B2B (business-to-business) content marketing. The principal concept to understand before considering B2B content marketing is how […]