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What is Content Marketing and its Benefits

According to Hubspot, Content Marketing is the process of planning, creating, distributing, sharing, and publishing content via channels such as social media, blogs, websites, podcasts, apps, press releases, print publications, and more. The goal is to reach your target audience and increase brand awareness, sales, engagement, and loyalty.

The following are some crucial questions that one needs to know about Content Marketing

What is a content audit?

content audit involves taking a look at all the content on your website and assessing its relative strengths and weaknesses in order to prioritize your future marketing activities. It’s a qualitative assessment and evaluation based on the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that you select beforehand.

What is an infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of information, data or other knowledge. It is intended to present information quickly and clearly for easy comprehension. They also help improve cognition of complex information since utilizing graphics is known to enhance our ability to see patterns and trends. In marketing, this can be an invaluable tool in helping your consumers understand and digest complicated concepts. Infographics also lend themselves nicely to social sharing which increases the exposure of your brand.

What is the difference between a long-form and short-form blog post?

Just as it sounds, a content calendar is a detailed plan of when you will produce and publish your content. An effective content calendar will save you time and energy while keeping you organized and on track. It also helps you avoid content gaps and ensures you are producing new material regularly. At Madavi, we help our clients create content calendars that address specific customer personas and content clusters to ensure that our strategy is covering all aspects of your business.

How does content marketing work?

In its most basic form, content marketing is simply the practice of publishing editorials, graphics, and videos to attract, inform, and engage your target audience. The focus of content marketing is to offer your customers high-quality, targeted material that is both helpful and useful to them as opposed to pushing your products or services. Connecting with your customers in this way can help increase the trust they have in your business as well as brand recognition. More technically, generating content can also improve your SEO and generate high-quality leads.

Also, read about Conversion Rate Optimization 


About the Author: Amukune Ambuyo

Amukune Ambuyo is a Nairobi-based growth marketer with over 5 years of experience working with various companies and independently as a freelancer. Ambuyo has helped build brand identities for small businesses, advertising campaigns, and digital products for corporate companies. When he is not doing digital marketing, he dabbles in poetry. You can see his collection at
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