Eyecare Kenya

Eyecare Kenya

Eyecare Consultants LTD, a prominent eyecare provider in Kenya with a legacy of over 35 years, faced the challenge of establishing a relatable brand presence for Gen Z and millennials. Their objective was to optimize their online presence and develop an e-commerce platform that resonated with these demographics. ACCOSCA opened its doors in 1968 and is currently governed by domicile laws and the ACCOSCA constitution

Challenge Overview

Wanting to optimize their online presence and create a converting e-commerce store to sell more products to Gen Z, Eyecare Kenya turned to the experts at Madavi Agency.

What We Did

Madavi Agency collaborated with Eyecare Kenya to transform its online presence and enhance its e-commerce capabilities. Understanding the need to connect with younger audiences, our experts devised strategies to revamp their online platform and create an engaging e-commerce store tailored to Gen Z and millennials.


The launch of the new Eyecare Kenya website brought forth notable outcomes:

  • They enhanced distributor and customer knowledge, facilitating more accessible access to new products.

  • A surge in orders attributed to the integration of Facebook and Instagram Shops, expanding the reach and accessibility of Eyecare Kenya’s products.

  • Amplified search engine presence achieved through updated meta titles, page descriptions, and the inclusion of comprehensive product information, including descriptive text and data tables.

Business Impact

The collaboration between us and Eyecare Kenya resulted in a significant business impact:

  • Achieved a remarkable 200% improvement in goal completions, showcasing the website’s effectiveness in engaging and converting visitors.

  • Realized a substantial 40% increase in website keyword rankings, boosting Eyecare Kenya’s online visibility.

  • Witnessed a noteworthy 3000-position surge in positive Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), significantly elevating Eyecare Kenya’s search presence.


Eyecare Kenya

The Outcome

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Increase in website keywords.


Positive Google SERPs Movement.


Improvement in Goal Completions

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