Tips To create Converting Product Descriptions.

Well-written product descriptions have the potential to move your potential customers down the sales funnel. By including the benefits of your products creatively, you are creating reports for products that are most likely to attract customers and compel them to purchase from your eCommerce site.

Writing descriptions for your products is an art; you need to master that art to attract maximum conversions. One of the most common mistakes writers make is to include only the information related to the product, which usually becomes monotonous, and nobody loves to read. This results in lesser conversion. In order to maximize the efficiency of your product descriptions, you must creatively try to include your products’ unique value proposition (USP).

Wondering how you can do that?

Well, Hakuna Matata because we will learn what product descriptions are, why they are essential, and how to write product descriptions that sell in this article.

So, let’s begin.

What is a Product Description?

A product description is nothing but a creative copy that creatively describes the benefits and features of a product to the customer. The ultimate goal of writing descriptions for products is to provide the customer with enough information, compelling them to buy your products without having any other thoughts.

Product descriptions can be written on your eCommerce website, third-party websites, and Google Shopping. To write compelling product descriptions, you must ask yourself a few questions.

  • How can your products improve the lives of the customers?
  • What do you gain from using the products?
  • How your products are way better than all the other alternatives available in the market.

Once you have answers to these questions, you can develop the product descriptions that sell.


Which is the Best Product Description Template?

Since every business and its website is different, you must test which product description templates to use for your site based on the overall layout, personality, and style of products and websites. Some eCommerce stores convert only with crisp bullet points in their product descriptions, while others might need a long descriptive paragraph.


In order to find out what type and product description template works best for you, you can leverage A/B split tests tools like Google Optimize to ascertain what format works best for you.


There could be many reasons why your product descriptions aren’t performing well, and no improvement in conversions has been noticed. The probable culprits behind it could be that the descriptions for products weren’t written well for the intended audience, placed in less visible areas on your product pages, or written in the wrong template or format. However, boiling down to your eCommerce store, running a test for whether you should or shouldn’t have product descriptions in the first place develops a better understanding of future product descriptions.

Advantages of Writing Product Descriptions

Product descriptions not only help you with providing essential information related to your product, its uses, and the USPs, but it also offers help in

  • Building trust amongst your customers
  • Enhancing the Site’s SEO score and performance
  • Answering questions that your potential customers might have about the products before deciding to make a purchase

Picking The Power Words For Product Description That Sells

According to experts, there are a few influential words that you can use to maximize the impact of your product descriptions. The words are

  • Hurry
  • Quick
  • Miracle
  • Revolutionary
  • Sensational
  • Amazing
  • Introducing
  • Now
  • Suddenly
  • Amazing, and many more.

Using these keywords in your product descriptions allows you to grab your readers’ attention and persuade them into action. These power words for product descriptions are not limited to just descriptions of products but also for email templates, headlines, title tags, etc.

Just like, there are some power words for product description that has the potential to bring you excellent results, there are a few words that can negatively affect your potential buyer’s purchase decision. These words include

  • Breakthrough
  • Market-leading
  • Stunning
  • Innovative
  • Ultimate, and many more.


8 Tips To Create Product Descriptions That Sell

Here are a few classic tips that you must keep in mind because they will help you curate product descriptions that sell.

1- Originality Speaks For Itself

Don’t just copy and paste the information provided by the manufacturer. Brainstorm a little, and try to write catchy and crisp product descriptions on your own. Registering an original copy for product descriptions saves your eCommerce site from getting penalized by Google for duplicate content.

2- Don’t Beat Around The Bush

Write product descriptions for humans (potential customers) and not just for crawlers or respective search engines. Conveying your products’ crucial aspects in a clear, crisp, and confident tone will allow your potential customers to get all the desired information, triggering the slide in the sales funnel. Try accommodating some bullet points in your descriptions for products, and this makes the content easy to read and scannable. For instance, if you are selling bags, your product descriptions could depict that you are trying to sell bags that could help people and make their life easy and classic. Your product descriptions for selling bags should contain the specs of the bags that you are selling.

3- Know Your Audience

If you don’t know about your audience and what they want, you’ll never be able to craft product descriptions that sell. To develop catchy and compelling product descriptions, you need to know all the pain points of your target audience and try sensibly touching or addressing those pain points with the help of your products. This help in developing a sense of trust amongst your target audience.

4- Needless to Say, Optimize Your Product Descriptions

The easiest yet most effective way to optimize your product descriptions is to leverage the power of any tool. You must use the keywords relevant to your brand and products. For instance, if you are an eCommerce store based out of Kenya that sells bags, your targeted, relevant keywords should include best eCommerce shops in Kenya, Bags in Kenya, Travel Bags in Kenya, Best eCommerce Bag shop in Kenya, etc.


5- Stories That Inspire & Triggers Purchase

Leverage the power of storytelling in your product descriptions. The story can be simple and focus on how your products can help resolve their problems and improve your target audience’s lives. Make sure, while trying to build a story around the details of your products, don’t go overboard with the word limit.


6- Split Test Your Product Descriptions

You cannot afford to miss out on split-testing your product descriptions. Split testing your reports for products allows you to optimize your product descriptions for an improved conversion rate on your product pages.


7- Spell Check Your Product Descriptions

It will reflect a negative impression on your brand’s end if your product descriptions have misspelled or typos. Hence, conduct a spell check along with checking the descriptions for any grammatical errors before making it live on your eCommerce site.


8- Be Clear With All Your Details

Ensure your product descriptions are descriptive and contain all the information your potential buyers require to make the purchase. For instance, If you are selling clothes, details about fabric size, after-wash care, washing directions, etc., should be mentioned on your product descriptions page.

Also read: Tips to keep in mind when optimizing your e-commerce website


Mastering the art of writing compelling product descriptions is challenging at first. However, if you follow all the tips mentioned above in the article, You will be able to win the game of increased conversions on your eCommerce Site.

Victor Ambuyo

Victor Ambuyo is a Nairobi-based growth marketer with over 7 years of experience working with various companies and independently as a freelancer. Ambuyo has helped build brand identities for small businesses, advertising campaigns, and digital products for corporate companies. When he is not doing digital marketing, he dabbles in poetry. You can see his collection at

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