impact of advertising on consumer behavior

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What is the impact of advertising on consumers? Advertising has been around for thousands of years. It is one of the most important marketing elements used by companies to promote their products and services, build brand awareness, increase sales and generate profits.

The purpose of this paper is to explore how advertising impacts consumer behavior. How does advertising impact consumers? Does it really work, or do advertisements just influence people because they want to be like others in society?

This report will discuss why people are impacted by advertisements, what kind of person is affected by health ads, how young consumers are highly impacted by advertisements etc… It also explores the positive impacts on children’s health due to advertising.

The influence of on-demand goods and services purchasing decisions will be discussed as well as the negative impacts of too much exposure to advertisements, such as developing an addiction to certain brands or products, which may result in spending more than you originally intended.


How does advertising impact consumers?

Impact of advertisement on consumer behavior

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In general, advertising impacts consumers because advertising helps to increase sales and profits of a product or service. If a person is already using an advertising product, then he/she will show a preference for the advertising brand. Advertising also influences people’s spending habits and choices in many other ways, depending on the type of advertising being used.

For instance, advertising for soft drinks and fast foods may influence people to eat at those restaurants and consume more of these products. This advertising will likely affect the consumer’s health by increasing their food intake, encouraging them to purchase unhealthy products, and causing them to consume larger portions than they would otherwise choose to.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness

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Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising to promote their brand and make it more appealing to customers, which increases sales. A company advertising its products or services has three primary goals in mind: educate you about the product, attract new customers, keep them coming back for more, and increase its profits.

Advertising is the only way companies can achieve these goals which is why advertising expenses are included in their budgets. Building brand awareness and advertising go hand in hand and advertising is one of the most effective ways to promote your product or service.

Advertising impacts consumer behavior because people usually compare advertising messages to what they already know about a product. If you have ever seen an advertisement for a product and later gone out and bought that same brand, then advertising has influenced your behavior. Statistics show that we like to conform to what majority of the people are going for. Consumers tend to follow the crowd when it comes to advertising, sometimes consumers don’t even realize it but advertising.

Branded Advertising

brand advertising and how it impacts consumers

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Branded advertising is the most expensive form of advertising, most companies spend up to 20% of their advertising budget on branded advertising. A company’s brand name and logo are usually very familiar to consumers as they have been used for a long time.

Compared to general branding, it is advertising that people tend to trust more because it has been around longer and is recognized more, so advertising has a lot of impact on its consumers. Advertising reaches new markets, introduces new ideas, and gives new life to the companies it works for. It also helps build public awareness towards certain products or services.

Companies advertise to make their product or service more appealing to consumers. They use advertising to sell their products by convincing people that their brand is better than the rest so that they are the first choice when it comes time for a consumer to purchase something. Advertising can also be used as an incentive for customers to choose one brand over another.

Brand Awareness Effect

The brand awareness advertising effect occurs when advertising makes a brand or product more recognizable to consumers. More people will buy a certain brand because advertising makes it easier to recognize and connect the brand with what is being advertised.

The three major impact of advertising on consumer behavior are exposure, attention, and effect. When advertising is done correctly, each of these factors achieves its goal of influencing people’s decisions when it comes time for them to purchase a product or service.

The Behavioral Effect

Brand awareness effect

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Advertising has a strong impact on the consumer’s behavior and intentions towards purchasing a particular product. If advertising is done correctly, most likely, people will go out and purchase that product just because advertising has created awareness about the brand in general.

Attitude Toward The Ad Effect

Advertising can also impact consumers’ attitudes towards advertising in general, whether it is advertising they agree with or advertising that makes them dislike the brand. Some people might feel advertising has too much of an impact on advertising and may even think advertising forces people’s behaviors towards products and services. Advertising has become so influential that some people believe it even has the power to change their attitudes about advertising.

Advertising Recall Effect

ad recall and how it impacts consumers behavior

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The advertising recall effect is advertising’s biggest goal because it makes consumers buy a certain brand just because they remember seeing an advertisement of it. Many people will go out and buy something just because they saw an ad for it, which is why the impact of advertising on consumer behaviour is very significant. 

Consumers Get the Information They Need

Advertising provides the information consumers need to make a buying decision. Without advertising, companies would have difficulty selling their products because it raises awareness and makes it easier for them to sell their products or services. 

Reminders and Ad Repetition

Advertising provides the reminder that advertising needs to influence people’s behavior successfully. Reminders are advertising messages used to create awareness about a brand so that people remember it when they go out and purchase something. Advertisements are also effective because advertising has proven that advertising repetition is key when it comes to making an impact on advertising.

The Negative Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior

One of the negative impacts of advertisements on consumers is cluttering their minds. Advertisements are constantly being aired everywhere. Everyone everywhere is trying to market what they are selling, and it’s becoming unnecessary information. This can push consumers into making purchase decisions they don’t really want or need.

Many people say advertising is just a way for companies to brainwash consumers into advertising their products. 

How do advertisers use persuasive techniques to influence our decisions?

ow does advertisements persuade consumer behavior?

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Persuasion Techniques:

The advertising industry uses many persuasion techniques to influence consumers into buying certain brands or products. Some of the techniques include using advertising repetition, advertising emotions, advertising symbols like logos, advertising music, and celebrity advertising. Each of these factors can influence people’s behavior. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Advertising

Does advertising affect children’s health?

impact of advertising on children behavior

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The impact of advertising on children can be long-lasting, for instance, when it influences their eating behavior. Advertisements are one contributing element to childhood obesity. Research done in Brazil found that about half of the advertisements done about children are about food, and 80%  are sugary foods that promote unhealthy habits. They tell children that consuming certain foods would make them jovial, which is misleading and can lead to sugar addiction.

Evidence suggests that advertising can affect child formation, especially if it is done persuasively. Persuasion techniques are used to influence children’s behavior. One example of advertising repetition is product placement advertising, where advertising for specific products is placed in shows children watch.

impact of advertisements on consumer behavior

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Advertising opportunities are also constantly expanding to incorporate new ways of advertising with technology. For example, advertising is becoming increasingly popular on social media networks and advertising websites, where it is very difficult for parents or anyone to control the advertising their child may encounter.

 Imapct of advertising on the Demand  of Goods and Services

Advertising is a crucial element within the marketing mix and one which arguably has an important role to play in the promotion of goods and services, which impacts consumer purchase behavior. Some factors that impact advertising include advertising decisions and advertising policies. 

Other elements are advertisement placement and when the advertising is run. Understanding how these factors affect demand is essential for any company wanting to maximize its market share in an increasingly competitive world.

What is the difference between persuasion techniques and influence tactics?

While advertising techniques influence consumers, advertising tactics influence group members. Persuasion techniques are advertising messages that the advertising industry uses to advertise their products or services using advertising language.

Influence tactics are advertising messages that can be seen by influencing the way people feel, think and act. For example, social proof advertising is an advertising tactic because advertising language is used to impact consumer’s buying behaviour.

Why is health advertising important for consumers?

Health advertising has become increasingly popular over the advertising decades and advertising agencies have had to advertise their messages in order to make advertising for consumers. Many companies advertise different aspects of health including physical health, mental health, and social health.

However, there is a growing debate about whether advertising is having a positive or negative effect on the general population’s health.

What kind of person is influenced by advertising?

Producers are most likely to advertise their products to people who have purchasing power, or advertising power. This means that advertising is more likely to affect consumers with higher incomes. However, advertising can also affect all members of society including lower-income groups by advertising social norms and expectations.

For example, advertising often places pressure on advertising their bodies or purchasing specific clothes to help to advertise create the perfect body.

Read on: benefits of market segmentation 

Conclusion on the Impact of advertising on consumers

Advertising has become so influential that some people believe advertising even has the power to change their attitudes about advertising. Advertising provides the information consumers need to make a buying decision. It also gives a company a competitive advantage over other companies because advertising helps set one brand apart from another.

The advertising recall effect is advertising’s biggest goal because it makes consumers buy a certain brand just because they remember seeing an advertisement. Many people will go out and buy something just because they saw advertising for it which is why advertising has become such a big influence on people’s behavior. What is the impact of advertising on you as a consumer?

Victor Ambuyo

Victor Ambuyo is a Nairobi-based growth marketer with over 7 years of experience working with various companies and independently as a freelancer. Ambuyo has helped build brand identities for small businesses, advertising campaigns, and digital products for corporate companies. When he is not doing digital marketing, he dabbles in poetry. You can see his collection at

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